What we care for

Feed The Hungry Project
Rural South West Region in Nigeria:
Please join us to provide some food for the poor in the poor villages in Ondo and Ekiti states of Nigeria. You have helped before, please help again. With the incessant banditry and devastation of local farms and the fear of the increasing kidnapping and rape by the invading and ubiquitous presence of the Fulani herdsmen, the villagers need help to survive. Our distribution center in Ondo state is the Anglican Church in Oke’Agbe. The distribution center in Ekiti State is God’s Grace Cathedral in Oke-Afin Street Ikere-Ekiti
God’s Grace Cathedral Maternity Clinic
This much needed Clinic is in a derelict state of disrepair. Photos of the existing condition will be shown soon on our website. When active it serves a local community of about of at least 2000 people who are within walking distance of the Maternity. The Encouragers Ministry in corporation with the Compassionate Partners International plan to take this up as a project to make the clinic functional again as well as to maintain it.

Rural School Project
St. Andrews Primary School Oke Afin Street Ikere Ekiti. Library and Computer Lab Project. This projected facility is to be used by the neighboring Schools as a common facility. There will need to be a special building housing this facility. They will be provided books, computers, printers, WIFI facility staffing, including appropriate 24-hour physical and electronic staffing and maintenance. Details of the Project would be provided shortly.

Proposed Orphanage
For those who become orphans by various reasons especially by the loss of their parents following activities of banditry by terrorists, kidnappers, herdsmen, and any other violent activity of evil people. The Property to be used for the Orphanage is now being made ready. The proposed location is 23 Oke-Afin Street, Ikere Ekiti and the proposal is in corporation with CAPRO headquarters in Nigeria and in corporation with the following Ministries: Compassionate Partners International; My Baby Hospital, Ado=Ekiti, Ekiti state of Nigeria and the Gabriel Omotoso Foundation for Rural Evangelism The proposed start off number will be 10. The orphans will be primary school age. They will attend a nearby school called St Andrews Primary School a private Christian school and they will live in a home supervised by a missionary Pastor.